Armidale City Public School

Excel with honour

Telephone02 6772 3420

Oppportunity Class in 2024

Opportunity classes are for primary school students who have high academic potential or who are intellectually gifted.

They provide an environment where students can learn and make friends with classmates of similar ability. This can benefit a student’s academic progress and also their wellbeing.

Opportunity classes are offered in Years 5 and 6, with parents/carers applying in Year 4.

Students who are successfully placed will usually have to leave their current school to enrol in a school with an opportunity class for Years 5 and 6.

Opportunity classes are just one of the ways that we cater for our high potential and gifted students.

Testing and assessment

Applications for opportunity class placement are considered on the results of the Opportunity Class Placement Test. Students who wish to be considered for placement are required to sit the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Thursday 27 July 2023.

How to apply

Parents/carers must apply online between Thursday 30 March and Monday 15 May 2023 at:

You must use your own email address and not one belonging to your child. Late applications are not usually accepted.

If you do not have internet access you can apply at a public library or at your child’s school. If you have a disability that prevents you from using a computer, you can contact the Unit for assistance after 30 March 2023.

You must submit only ONE application for each student.

A letter about an Intention to apply for Year 5  placement in an opportunity class in 2024 will be sent home with Year 4 students tomorrow.  The tear-off slip below is NOT an application, it is advice to the school that you intend to apply. The school CANNOT apply on your behalf.